"Do first things first, and second things not at all." - Well, there will be second and third things coming. Non the less, starting with a solid base has never been wrong and would have gotten Pisa a straight tower. That's why with Access we're setting a reliable base to transfer your skill onto the road. Ultra Reactive Polyurethane cast onto a rigid yet responsive core, results in outstanding sliding abilities at unmatched comfort. This 90mm urban and street wheel is using a round profile for better agility and precision. #AUGMENTEDMOBILITY
Ņem vērā - kvalitatīvi skrituļslidu riteņi ir vienkāršākais veids kā likt tavām skrituļslidām ripot brīvāk, labāk absorbēt vibrācijas un iemīlēt savas vecās skrituļslidas no jauna. Pārbaudi gultņus! Ja vecie gultņi vēl ir labi, tad pārliec tos uz jaunajiem riteņiem. Kvalitatīvi gultņi var kalpot ilgāk par riteņiem un tos ir viegli nomainīt. |