Chaya Park Dark Soul is first high-heel skatepark roller skate from Chaya rollerskate brand.
The innovative Park Dark Soul roller skate is Chaya’s first high-heel skate designed specifically for park skating. Discover what you’re really capable of on roller skates and experience the thrill of park skating in the Chaya Park Dark Soul.
Balance and stability for unmatched skatepark performance
Perfect for the skatepark, the Chaya Park Dark soul has a high-heel designed. High-heel skates improve balance, allowing skaters to stand completely upright without having to have their knees overly bent or shoulders too far forward, providing better balance, especially when skaters are performing high-speed maneuvers and landing big airs in the skatepark.
Crafted with precision and style, the Chay Park Dark Soul features a luxurious suede-finished PU leather that looks amazing and provides exceptional durability. Roller skating in the skatepark can be intense, so Chaya incorporated a TPU welded toe to protect the boot from marks and scratches. Skate with confidence knowing your boots are shielded from impacts, allowing you to focus on your tricks and pushing your limits.
Ready for the skatepark right out of the box
To ensure skaters have optimal stability and control, the Park Dark Soul comes complete with a shari plate and Park Pro forged trucks. The 136mm trucks make it easy to lock on coping and rails; the truck has an off-set hanger shape that protects the kingpins and is perfectly suited for grinding. The Park Dark Soul also comes with the new Diamond slider, designed specifically for frontside and backside tricks. Its unique design provides excellent slide control, giving you the freedom to express yourself on the ramp like never before. And to help you master new grinds even further, the Park Dark Soul skates boast a nice groove, making it easier to learn and master unity, royals, and backslides. The skates come complete with smooth and durable Firebolt wheels and smooth-riding Wicked ABEC 9 bearings.Push your boundaries and explore new tricks, all while feeling comfortable and confident in these superior skarepark focused roller skates.
Как правильно подобрать свой размер роликов?
Для достижения наилучших результатов роликовые коньки должны плотно прилегать к ноге. Нет необходимости покупать роликовые коньки на один размер больше размера вашей ноги, так как они разнашиваются- все ролики со временем увеличиваются в длине и ширине. Важно знать, что мягкие ботинки будут расширяться больше, чем гибридные (Swell и т.д.) или карбоновые. Если в роликовых коньках с мягким ботинком мы бы никогда не рекомендовали свободное место и движение стопы, то в роликах с твёрдым ботинком (hardboot) допускается больше пространства и уровень комфорта, учитывая улучшенную поддержку корпуса роликовых ботинок.
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