Introducing the Gawds Michel Prado II Skate: Embodying Aggressive Skating Excellence Step into the realm of pure aggression with the Gawds Michel Prado II Skate, crafted for the world's most fearless skaters. Renowned as one of the finest aggressive skaters on the planet, Michel Prado lends his name to this exceptional creation that merges style, performance, and personality. In a striking black and white colorway, the skate mirrors Michel's unparalleled flair and attitude. The hybrid composite boot is a testament to superior craftsmanship, meticulously hand-lasted to perfection. Its construction features a fusion of glass-fiber reinforced plastic and a matching cuff, ensuring a lightweight and flexible experience on every ride. Prepare to dominate the streets with confidence as the Gawds Michel Prado II Skate comes equipped with a wide soulplate, a 45-degree strap, and an innovative nylon Velcro top cuff strap. These components work harmoniously to provide unparalleled support, stability, and control during your most audacious maneuvers. Embracing a trusted Kizer Fluid IV anti-rocker setup straight out of the box, this skate ensures exceptional grinding capabilities and smooth transitions. Complementing this setup are the exclusive 60mm Pro wheels from Gawds, handpicked by Michel himself. These wheels guarantee optimal grip, speed, and durability, allowing you to push your limits like never before. Every aspect of the Gawds Michel Prado II Skate has been meticulously designed using premium materials. From the strong and thick leather toe to the fresh and stylish upper design, this skate exudes quality and sophistication. It's a true reflection of Michel Prado's relentless pursuit of perfection and his dedication to elevating the world of aggressive skating.
Join the ranks of the elite and experience the ultimate adrenaline rush on wheels with the Gawds Michel Prado II Skate. Unleash your full potential, make a statement, and leave an indelible mark on the skating world. Get ready to conquer the streets like never before.
Boot: Hybrid composite boot; hand lasted; UFS mounting; built in liner with microfiber lining; not heat moldable
Для достижения наилучших результатов роликовые коньки должны плотно прилегать к ноге. Нет необходимости покупать роликовые коньки на один размер больше размера вашей ноги, так как они разнашиваются- все ролики со временем увеличиваются в длине и ширине. Важно знать, что мягкие ботинки будут расширяться больше, чем гибридные (Swell и т.д.) или карбоновые. Если в роликовых коньках с мягким ботинком мы бы никогда не рекомендовали свободное место и движение стопы, то в роликах с твёрдым ботинком (hardboot) допускается больше пространства и уровень комфорта, учитывая улучшенную поддержку корпуса роликовых ботинок.
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