A super strong NKD Titanium scooter T-bar for both beginners, experienced and professional scooter riders. The bar is available in several colours and is compatible with HIC and SCS compression systems. Making it suited for most stunt scooters on the market.
The design for this scooter bar is a two-piece design and the material is titanium. With titanium as a material, you get a bar for stunt scooters that is both incredibly strong and ultra light - perfect for the craziest of scooter stunts.
In addition, the NKD Titanium bar is made as a standard bar with an inner diameter of 32 mm and an outer diameter of 35 mm. The bar is relatively long and is therefore best suited for older children or adults. However, you can always cut the bar and thereby adapt it to younger children.
All in all, a superb and high quality bar for stunt scooters, which without a doubt can handle even the wildest of maneuvers and tricks.
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