Fast, Fun, and Versatile Urban Hardboot
The latest member of the NEXT family of urban inline skates is the NEXT Core Black 90. It’s a fast, fun, and versatile addition to the popular NEXT line of urban inline skates. With four 90mm wheels, it’s the perfect mixture of speed, agility, and stability. The durable boot can take on virtually anything you can throw at it, even during the most intense skating sessions - so skate, slide, jump and discover what you’re really capable of on inline skates because the NEXT Core Black 90 can do it all.
Innovative, Feature-Packed Inline Skate
The NEXT Core Black 90 is a great option for skaters of all levels. Ready to perform, this is a high-quality skate that’s packed with innovative features, all designed to augment your skating performance. The durable NEXT boot is complemented with a height-adjustable cuff that allows you to adjust support and forward flex to match your individual needs and skating style. The Kizer Clipper buckle has eight clips to help ensure you’re safely locked into the boot whether you’re cruising, turning, or even during the occasional fall. The Clipper buckle is complemented with a velcro 45-degree strap along with a traditional lacing system so you can customize the fit and tightness of your skates to suit your preferences and match your individual skating style.
Popular TRINITY 3-Point Mounting
The Elite cast frame is lightweight and durable, so you can have confidence when you’re pushing your limits in the urban jungle. Engineered around the famous TRINITY 3-point mounting system, the NEXT Core Black 90 delivers superb speed, agility and stability. With three points of contact to the boot, the TRINITY system creates a channel that brings your wheels as close to your foot as possible which gives skaters incredibly efficient power transfer while improving balance and overall control.
Enjoy a fast, smooth skating experience
The NEXT Core Black 90 is a versatile skate that’s ready to impress right out of the box. Incorporating Powerslide Spinner 90mm/88A wheels that are both grippy, fast and durable, matched with super smooth WICKED ABEC 9 bearings, you’re going to have a blast cruising the city.
Как правильно подобрать свой размер роликов?
Для достижения наилучших результатов роликовые коньки должны плотно прилегать к ноге. Нет необходимости покупать роликовые коньки на один размер больше размера вашей ноги, так как они разнашиваются- все ролики со временем увеличиваются в длине и ширине. Важно знать, что мягкие ботинки будут расширяться больше, чем гибридные (Swell и т.д.) или карбоновые. Если в роликовых коньках с мягким ботинком мы бы никогда не рекомендовали свободное место и движение стопы, то в роликах с твёрдым ботинком (hardboot) допускается больше пространства и уровень комфорта, учитывая улучшенную поддержку корпуса роликовых ботинок.
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