The Rave Black Trinity 80 is the first Playlife Trinity skate
The Playlife Rave Black Trinity 80 is a performance urban skate that is designed for both experienced city skaters and beginners. This skate comes with a hardboot construction that is ideal for the demands of urban skating while offering plenty of support and protection.
For the first time we added the patented TRINITY 3-point mounting system to a Playlife skate. which is used in a wide range of Powerslide high performance skates. The special feature of this skate is its innovative Trinity adapter, which lowers the center of gravity, significantly improving stability, control and power transmission. These advantages are crucial for urban skaters who move on different terrains and require precise maneuvering.
The frame "grows" with the shoe size
The skate is equipped with an Elite cast aluminum frame that is robust yet lightweight. The frame comes in two sizes: the standard 243mm frame for 4x80mm wheels up to size 42 and a larger 275mm frame for sizes 43 and higher that can accommodate up to 4x90mm wheels. This adaptability ensures that skaters of all sizes experience optimal performance tailored to their needs.
The 80mm wheels with a hardness of 82A provide a perfect balance between traction and speed and are suitable for a variety of urban surfaces, from smooth concrete to slightly rough asphalt. Paired with the Wicked ABEC 7 carbon bearings, the skate offers a smooth and responsive ride and minimizes friction for a faster and more efficient glide.
Classic black color scheme
The Dual Fit liner provides allows a comfortable ride even at long skating sessions. Aesthetically, the Rave Black Trinity 80 comes in a sleek black with tasteful gray accents that emphasize its classic design.
Overall, the Rave Black Trinity 80 is a perfomance urban skate that combines advanced technology with functional aesthetics to meet the rigorous demands of city skating. Its adaptable features and stylish design make it the ideal choice for skaters looking to upgrade their urban skating experience.
Как правильно подобрать свой размер роликов?
Для достижения наилучших результатов роликовые коньки должны плотно прилегать к ноге. Нет необходимости покупать роликовые коньки на один размер больше размера вашей ноги, так как они разнашиваются- все ролики со временем увеличиваются в длине и ширине. Важно знать, что мягкие ботинки будут расширяться больше, чем гибридные (Swell и т.д.) или карбоновые. Если в роликовых коньках с мягким ботинком мы бы никогда не рекомендовали свободное место и движение стопы, то в роликах с твёрдым ботинком (hardboot) допускается больше пространства и уровень комфорта, учитывая улучшенную поддержку корпуса роликовых ботинок.
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