Embark on a revolutionary journey with the Swings MkI inline race boot – a pinnacle of design and performance meticulously crafted by none other than Bart Swings, the Olympic ice speed champion and the reigning king of Inline speed skating. As the best speed skater alive, Bart Swings brings you a carbon fiber speed skate boot that pushes the boundaries of what's possible on the race track.
The Swings I boot heralds a new era in boot design, offering a sleeker fit that caters to the demands of elite skaters. The upper part seamlessly integrates various lacing systems, ensuring that your foot stays securely locked inside the boot, providing unparalleled stability and control as you glide across the pavement.
This high-performance marvel features a 195mm mounting system, a testament to its commitment to exceptional power transfer with every stride. The reinforcement bar connecting the two mounting blocks adds an extra layer of stability, enabling you to unleash your full potential on the race track with confidence and precision.
But the Swings MkI boot doesn't stop there – it's not just a boot; it's a personalized experience. Choose the frame that resonates with your unique skating style, and witness the seamless fusion of technology and athleticism as you discover your true potential on the track.
Meticulously crafted with precision and care, the Swings I boot is tailor-made for dedicated skaters who understand that in the realm of racing, the only place to be is atop the podium. Embrace the thrill of speed, elevate your performance, and join Bart Swings in making history with the Swings I inline race boot – where innovation meets excellence, and champions are born. Step into greatness, and let the podium be your destiny.
Introducing the Swings brand's latest innovation: the Swings I inline race boot, a true game-changer in boot design and performance. Engineered with precision, this boot offers a revolutionary fit for unparalleled performance on the track.
Crafted with a sleek silhouette, the Swings I ensures a snug and secure fit, enhancing your control and agility. Its upper section incorporates cutting-edge lacing systems, guaranteeing maximum stability and support throughout your skating sessions.
Designed for high-octane racing, the Swings I boasts a 195mm mounting system, engineered to optimize power transfer with every stride. This system includes a reinforcement bar that seamlessly connects the mounting blocks, delivering exceptional efficiency and speed on the racecourse.
Tailored to meet the needs of dedicated skaters, the Swings I Boot epitomizes precision and quality craftsmanship. Whether you're vying for the podium or pushing your limits, this boot is your ultimate ally in the pursuit of victory.
The Swings I also features the Atop disc system, incorporating aluminum, carbon, and kevlar components for unparalleled durability and performance. Inside, a specialized super grip microfiber lining ensures maximum support and comfort, empowering you to unleash your full potential on the track.
Как правильно подобрать свой размер роликов?
Для достижения наилучших результатов роликовые коньки должны плотно прилегать к ноге. Нет необходимости покупать роликовые коньки на один размер больше размера вашей ноги, так как они разнашиваются- все ролики со временем увеличиваются в длине и ширине. Важно знать, что мягкие ботинки будут расширяться больше, чем гибридные (Swell и т.д.) или карбоновые. Если в роликовых коньках с мягким ботинком мы бы никогда не рекомендовали свободное место и движение стопы, то в роликах с твёрдым ботинком (hardboot) допускается больше пространства и уровень комфорта, учитывая улучшенную поддержку корпуса роликовых ботинок.
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