Two-time world champion Felix Rijhnen proudly presents his signature Wicked FR 8 Balls Ceramic Bearings, engineered to exceed the highest standards of low friction, high durability, and minimal weight. These ultra-fast bearings feature an advanced 8-ceramic ball design, crafted from top-quality steel and enhanced with highest grade ceramic balls for exceptional low friction and highest speeds. Inspired by Felix's victories, these bearings are designed to help skaters achieve new heights in their skating. Whether you're competing in a marathon or looking to improve your skating skills in training these bearings are made for you! By choosing Wicked FR Ceramics, you’re not only investing in superior inline skate bearings but also supporting one of the sport's most accomplished and admired athletes. The bearings come without lubrication, with an additional shield, allowing you to customize them to your specific needs.
Эти подшипники подходят для следующего инвентаря:
✔️ Роликовые коньки (детские, взрослые, ФСК, экстремальные, беговые, любые марки роликовых коньков)
✔️ Самокаты или скутеры (трюковые, скейтпарковые, складные, детские, взрослые, самокаты любых марок)
✔️ Роликовые доски или скейтборды (лонгборди, круизеры, пениборди, трюковые, любые марки скейтбордов)
✔️ Ролики квады (дерби, танцы, парк, ролики квады любой марки)
ⓘ Обрати внимание, одно колесо содержит ДВА подшипника!