Nick Lomax presents an ultra-resistant Wicked 7 balls Titanium bearing designed exclusively for the highest demands: low friction, high durability, and low weight. Nick Lomax Bearing is a classic 7 balls Tech made with the best possible steel material with a titanium treatment. The design is made by Nick Lomax himself. If you dream to skate like Nick Lomax in the street of BCN or just love to see him fly in each of his videos: support this amazing skater and buy this high-quality product.
Šie lodīšu gultņi derēs sekojošam inventāram:
✔️ Skrituļslidām (bērnu, pieaugušo, brīvā laika, FSK, ekstrēmās, apvidus, jebkura zīmola skrituļslidām)
✔️ Skūteriem vai skrejriteņiem (triku, skeitparku, ikdienas, saliekamie, bērnu, pieaugušo, jebkura zīmola skrejriteņiem)
✔️ Skrituļdēļiem (longbordiem, kruīzeriem, penibordiem, triku, ikdienas, jebkura zīmola skrituļdēļiem)
✔️ Rollerslidām (brīvā laika, derby, dance, park, jebkura zīmola rollerslidām)
ⓘ Lūdzu ņemiet vērā, ka vienā ritentiņā ir DIVI gultņi!