Yeah, plastic wheel cores are great and we also still love them. But haven't you ever been graving for a little bit more? A little bit more stiffness, a little sharper feeling, or just a little more bling bling? Exactly that is where Ally wheels come into play. Built around a CNC machined aluminum core for just a bit more of everything these wheels act as a steady base and carry tons of momentum. Our Ultra Reactive Polyurethane compound adds just the right amount of comfort to your ride and tops it with incredible rolling performance.
This 90mm urban and street skating wheel uses a balanced radius to maximize control and agility.
Spacers for Decode bearings and spacers for traditional bearings included
Ņem vērā - kvalitatīvi skrituļslidu riteņi ir vienkāršākais veids kā likt tavām skrituļslidām ripot brīvāk, labāk absorbēt vibrācijas un iemīlēt savas vecās skrituļslidas no jauna. Pārbaudi gultņus! Ja vecie gultņi vēl ir labi, tad pārliec tos uz jaunajiem riteņiem. Kvalitatīvi gultņi var kalpot ilgāk par riteņiem un tos ir viegli nomainīt. |